March 28, 2025

Get this s**t done!

Ok, so those of you who know me also know I’m the biggest procrastinator. At this point, I have 22,000 unread e-mails in my personal mailbox, my phone keeps screaming at me that my voicemail is full, I paid a ton of money to a potty training consultant to help create a potty-training plan for my daughter and never even looked at the plan…And finally this one is eating at me the most- I have accumulated over 50 different pants that I can’t wear because they are too long and I keep buying more…I can’t saw or hem them so I finally after 3 years of mental torture found a way to solve it (which I am very proud of myself for)-I found a freelance sawing lady on website. We agreed that I would pin all of my pants at the place where they would be fitting me, put then in the mail and mail it to her. Great plan, right?! Well, that was 4 months ago and I still haven’t even touch any of them…I feel so guilt-ridden that I now started having nightmares of the sawing lady being disappointed in me (And this is the last thing I need to worry about right now with everything else going on in my life). SO…today, I took a day off work with the sole purpose of tackling the pant situation. And I’m still sitting here contemplating about it…I need drastic measures! So I am making myself accountable to all of you and will at least get up and slowly approach the pile of pants right now. And then I will take out my pins and will start measuring. And since I’m willingly putting myself through this mental torture in front of all of you, I challenge you to pick one thing you have been delaying for days, weeks or months and do it with me today! I will post an update at the end of the day on my progress. I also encourage you to post an update in the comments or in the forum to let me and the world know that you were able to tackle your little monster. See you again later today!

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