March 28, 2025

What does it take to Heal?

It takes undying, devoted, disciplined, persistence, in the fight for your mental health. It is a fight for you AND those you love who deserve you at your best!
There are so many barriers, distractions, and difficult people you will meet along the way. The only thing that is going to make you get up and face the torture of life
is the part of your soul that is desperate to heal and believes and hopes for the possibility that what you are experiencing, isn’t your final destination. A life of torture in my mind is a choice. You have to choose to fight and be relentless! You can never given to the negative thoughts of the defeat. You can never give in to the thoughts that just not existing is a better life than really living. If you have these thoughts, you need to let someone you know and trust be aware. You have to find a way to make yourself believe that you aren’t at the end of the road. This can be hard, but if you research your soul, you may find the answer of what makes life worth, living and fighting for. For me my belief in Allah helped tremendously! You have to believe that if you try really hard, you can make your life better in some small way. AND that Every day if you do some thing to make your life better, and eventually it will add up and you’ll see results . I know that mental illness rocks a persons existence in every way – because I’ve been there! Determination and discipline was key – and my children and family became my reason to fight for my mental health. Since I have gotten healthier (It’s always a process) I realize how different life was when I was really really sick. You can fight and live a better life if you put in the effort, I promise!
Effort consistently to get healthy – and not getting overwhelmed and discouraged by set backs is really important. I have found it to be true both as a mental health professional, and as a recipient of mental health care. Make the next best choice. Create a schedule so that your day is structured and it won’t be dependent on your mood/ depression/ anxiety. Having a schedule lets you know what you need to do in order to be well, and then it becomes a process that you engage in whether you feel up to it or not. Baby steps. One foot in front of the other. Never giving up. Finding solutions that are outside the box and creative. Included in my routine is journaling and reading at least one page of my spiritual literature every day. I also go to the gym even if all I do is 10 minutes on the elliptical – I can build from that!

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