Life is full of challenges and not every one we come across is one we like. Sometimes terrible things can happen to us or a loved that make it hard to get by even on a daily basis, heck sometimes by the freakin’ minute.
But without challenges we wouldn’t learn what our limits, our strengths, and our weaknesses are. Challenges push us, they make us a better, stronger, wiser person. Without them we wouldn’t grow within ourselves.

So take a break from the challenges that life throws at us and exercise your Mind, Body, and Soul with one of our challenges!
Improving yourself is the best challenge you can take on!
How many can you complete?
Let us know the challenges you’ve endured and overcame while participating!
Most Recent Challenges
Dr. Sunshine investigates whether a 48-hour fast can really cure depression, anxiety as some studies claim.
I’ve heard it said, “expectations are resentments waiting to happen.” Over the years I have…
Get this s**t done!
Ok, so those of you who know me also know I’m the biggest procrastinator. At…
To take my meds or not take my meds? That is the question.
How early in our schooling did we start hearing, “there are no stupid questions?” Well,…
June is LGBTQ Pride month!
Let’s celebrate together! Show your pride or support by doing one of the following: Pride…
Take a Hike
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”John Muir Tired of…