February 21, 2025

Roll With Me

I was wondering what makes a person extraordinary. I concluded that doing something extraordinary is what makes a person extraordinary. But me being me, I didn’t want to take my word for it. Everything I have learned in this lifetime so far has just confirmed how little actually I know. So, I looked up Merriam-Webster’s definition of ‘extraordinary’:

ex·​traor·​di·​nary | \ ik-ˈstrȯr-də-ˌner-ē

1. a. going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary

     b. exceptional to a very marked extent

This time I happened to be right. Anyone can be extraordinary, but most people aren’t. Although I suppose one can argue that extraordinary is a subjective term based on one’s beliefs and perceptions, and perhaps context. Having clarified that, I’m going to say, “in my opinion, Gabriel Cordell is an extraordinary human being.” He set out to roll in a standard, unmodified wheelchair from Santa Monica, CA to his hometown, West Hempstead, NY. Not one of his crew had any camera experience, and, like Gabriel, were in recovery from drugs and alcohol. Gabriel also brought along his nephew, in an attempt to save his life from gangs, drugs, and violence. 

I was drawn into watching this film when I read “newly sober.”  I am so glad that I did. It is real. It is raw. Two qualities I admire and deeply appreciate. This video is truly inspiring. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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