March 25, 2025


girl, mud, run

“I don’t want to live in the kind of world where we don’t look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I can’t change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit.”

Charles de Lint

hands, cohesion, together

There’s no shame in asking for help. You can’t always go it alone. Sometimes you need to reach out to get the support you need to overcome the obstacles you’re facing in life. When you were younger and couldn’t reach the cupboards because you were to short, you asked for help. When you went to school and didn’t understand an assignment, you asked the teacher for help. When you move from one apartment or house to another, you call a friend or family member for help. Heck, how many times do you turn to Google for help for any number of things? So when it comes to the quality of your life, as well as your sanity, ask for help. Everything is a little easier with someone on your side.

ask, sign, design

Helping others is in our DNA (according to Tom Shadyac in his documentary, “I AM”). Whether you are looking for help for yourself or someone else, below are some resources we’ve compiled that may be useful in any number of areas you or someone you know might be struggling in. We believe that reaching out, or not, can literally be a matter of life and death. At the very least, reaching out or not does have an impact on the quality of our lives. Don’t give up. The life you deserve is waiting for you, let us help get you there!

The Recovery Nook