Have you ever felt like you’re stuck with your back against the wall? And it seems like no matter what you do life is blocking you from breaking free? Sort of like a hockey player scrambling to get the puck off the side of the wall, but your opponent has you pushed up on the glass preventing you from going anywhere. You fight back against the weight and pressure bearing down on you as he tries to steal the puck for himself. You begin to lose your footing, you feel yourself falling and you wonder, “Where the hell are my teammates?! I need some help here!”
We all struggle with different opponents in our life from mental health, substance abuse, physical ailments to any number of other life’s challenges. No worries, we’re a team, you and us. Together we’ll get through whatever life throws our way! Think of us as your teammates, skating up fast from behind body checking your opponent, slamming him to the ice freeing you from his grip. You regain your footing, skate to the net doing a few awesome tricks along the way, take your shot, and SCORE for a game WIN! The crowd goes wild!!!

Here at The Recovery Nook, we’re in your corner and we are rooting for you! When you win, we win, and vice versa. We understand that it’s often difficult to reach out for help. Shame, guilt, embarrassment, perceived weakness, a belief that “I should be able to handle this,” and thinking “no one will understand,” are some of the reasons that prevent us from asking for help when in fact, those are some of the very reasons we should be asking for help. We know this because we’ve been there. Sometimes we still find ourselves there, in the grip of these unhelpful thinking patterns. Our focus is to provide a safe platform to offer and gather information, to share our collective experience, to provide support to one another, and perhaps most important, to give hope to all that recovery is possible. Remember, we are never alone!