March 28, 2025


I’ve heard it said, “expectations are resentments waiting to happen.” Over the years I have learned what the means because I figured out that my anger primarily comes from not getting what I want. Somebody didn’t do or say what I wanted them to. Sometimes I don’t do or say what I really wanted to say or do. Things don’t happen as quickly as I want them to. My dog doesn’t behave the way I want her to (I get over that in like seconds though, but she still makes me angry sometimes!) Something doesn’t go as planned. Something didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. The list goes on. Ultimately, I’m not getting what I want. People, situations, ME, my dog, aren’t living up to the expectations in my fantasy world also known as my head. And I have learned that anger, when not dealt with properly, turns into resentments. When I have resentments, it fuels my anger and it becomes a vicious little cycle. Who wants to live like that? There’s no way to find peace or happiness in that.

Please note I’m not talking about the injustices that caused pain and hurt from when we were helpless, defenseless little kids. I’m talking about the way we respond to shit now that we’re grown-ass adults.


Set an intention to have no expectations for 30 days. Possibilities are endless so try being open to whatever outcome happens in every situation. If the outcome leaves you with a “bitter taste,” look for the lesson to be learned. You’re not going to be perfect, that’s okay, nobody is, certainly including me! Do you’re best to “catch it, check it, change it” and see if after 30 days you’re feeling a little lighter and a little more at peace.

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