Top 10 Most Recent Posts

Always ask about side effects for medication.
Camille WaldronAlways ask about side effects for medication. It’s amazing the negative experience I have had…

A quick and easy blues buster trick
Dr. Anastasia Zyubanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYEfbJMvZ4M&list=PLBZPa0C3UmXjCe-gOsSyMKHhwXBmFhZDV&index=17

Strategies to quickly lift your mood
Dr. Anastasia Zyubanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQjYj0Zr3bA&list=PLBZPa0C3UmXjCe-gOsSyMKHhwXBmFhZDV&index=15

Dr. Sunshine investigates whether a 48-hour fast can really cure depression, anxiety as some studies claim.
Dr. Anastasia Zyubanhttps://youtu.be/OaBtqvUEi_o

Brantley Gilbert: “Just As I Am”
Dr. Anastasia Zyubanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WaE0DEk_s8 Just had this song sent to me by a good friend who can deeply…

Don’t Believe Everything You Think | Lauren Weinstein | TEDxPaloAlto
Dr. Anastasia Zyubanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdhmgp4IUL0 This powerful talk shines light on how our beliefs can tie us down like…

“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are.” – Elkhart Tolle, The Power of Now
Dr. Anastasia ZyubanThis is the quote that helped me get through many moments of despair, when I…

Get this s**t done!
Dr. Anastasia ZyubanOk, so those of you who know me also know I’m the biggest procrastinator. At…

Virtual peer support groups to help you get through these difficult times.
Dr. Anastasia ZyubanThe Mental Health Empowerment Project (MHEP) has been offering seven Virtual Peer Support Groups a…

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban
Dr. Anastasia Zyubanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arj7oStGLkU Most of us are familiar with the guilt-inducing cycle of putting things of “until…