March 31, 2025

Book of June

You ever feel like you don’t belong where you’re currently in life; always have this empty sensation inside you and don’t know how to fulfill it or what it is? Your not the only one. I have yet to identify a place of home anywhere and still unsure where that could be. I believe that’s why I haven’t been able to stay in one location for long, ever since I left my place of childhood when I was seventeen and joined the Marines. Just because I grew up in a specific town or state doesn’t mean that’s where I should reside. Many times I’m uncomfortable when I return to that town and have the desire inside me where I just need to journey off. I often ask myself…

Where do I belong in life? What is this emptiness we experience inside ourselves? Why do I feel so alone in a world so populated? Why am I sensing forces pulling against each other within me? What are these unsettling emotions? Do I have a purpose? Why do I struggle with these thoughts? How do I find comfort within myself?

Hopefully, in the book ‘Eternal Echoes – Celtic Reflections on Our Yearning To Belong’ by John O’Donohue, we will find the answers and learn more about what creates these emotions and thoughts. I encourage you to join me in reading this book during June and share your thoughts or insights, as will I in a future post.

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